Monday, June 2, 2008

Is this really my LIfe?????

The Webster dictionary defines community as a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.  These past few days I have been fortunate enough to finally get some time in the Township community of Gugulethu 

This has been the experience that I was looking forward to the most, and to be honest it completely wiped out all of my expectations that I has and blew my mind like you would not believe.  On Sunday we were able to go to the community center and meet all of our host families and attend a traditional church service.  For me it was more of a spiritual experience rather then a religious one and turned out to be a very moving experience. With such hardships an outlet such as church really serves and a communal building experience and place for people to gather and enjoy them selves. 

Today we had our first full day in the township and some incredible speakers to give meaning of their life and what it is like to build a community in SOuth Africa. The Reverend from the community center had some pretty moving words about what community means and trying to make social change.  More then anything I have come to realize that change happens solely with me and in-order to make a difference that I want so badly I have to do it entirely myself and take personal responsibility and then along the way I will find people to support me and work side by side. 

We have been talking a lot about the racial issues that South Africa has and currently experienced but have not touched on the HIV and AIDS issue that make this program and experience unique.  On the other hand we also have to understand that HIV/AIDS is an interwoven issue and to not be afraid to ask questions with the people that we will be working with for the next week. 

This afternoon we were able to get involved with the entire township.  We also got to form relationships with some of the children in the Rainbow program at the JL Zwane community center and help assist in some learning activities.  MOre then anything I am overwhelmed with the extreme hospitality and sincerity of everyone we have been able to work with! Again I am constantly reminded that this is a learning experience and am happy to say that this more more then an enriching experience.

Wish I had the patience to write more, but I am constantly getting distracted by everyone and the discussion that is forever flowing. Unfortunalty I will not have time to get on the computer for the next week as we are moving into the townships and will not have internet access and will be filling out days full with service projects and forming relationships with people of the community. 

sending my love from the other side of the world!


p.s. i will upload a picture blog when I get the chance 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah:

Sounds like you are having an outstanding adventure. Love your updates and pictures.

Best regards,
Jeff Golden
Minnesota, USA